In your 30s, it’s likely that you’ll begin considering buying a house or having children, so you need to plan financially for those big decisions. You’ll also be more established in your career and making significantly more money than you had in your 20s. Because of these life changes, there are certain financial goals you should be working toward in order to make your life easier. I’ll discuss some of these goals below, while here is a more extensive list.

Reevaluate your career

In your twenties, you were probably happy just to have a full-time job that allowed you to cover your rent and pay for food. Now, you’re established in your career and have experience, as well as marketable skills that can benefit you. Unless you’re at your dream job, shop around a bit and look for a better job. Raise your career aspirations to achieve a higher level or pay and feel more fulfilled.

Plan for your kids

You may or may not already have children, but either way, it’s important to plan financially for them. This planning includes your personal finances; how you’ll be able to afford all the supplies you’ll need for a child, and also for their futures. Your child may not decide to go to college, but it’s smart to start a 529 plan for them, which has tax-free interest and can be transferred to another child or cashed out.

Find good insurance

You’re probably on your company’s health insurance, but now is a good time to evaluate whether or not you should be on your spouse’s or see if you can find another option that’s more affordable or provides better coverage. It’s also important to evaluate your car, home, and life insurance to see if you can get a better deal than you already have and save more money.

Pay off school loans

You’ve probably been working toward this goal throughout your 20s, but the final stretch will come in your 30s. You can make higher payments and shorten the amount of time it’ll take to pay off these debts. At the same time, you can work on paying off other debts, especially if you’re planning on purchasing a home and taking out a mortgage. Get your school loans out of the way, and then focus on tackling other debt.

Increase emergency fund

It’s likely that you’ve been attempting to save since your 20s, but now you can increase the amount of money you’re saving, if you haven’t already. Increase your emergency fund to a level that would sustain not working for a while, in case you’d lose your job, decide to switch careers, or take time off to spend with your child. Here are some other areas you might want to consider saving money for.

Look into investing

Now that you have more money to play with, finding different investments may be beneficial to you. It’s important to approach this carefully and make sure that you know what you’re doing. You might want to hire a financial adviser or do extensive research on your own to see what the best options are. By investing, you have an opportunity to increase your assets in a fairly straightforward way.