By forty, people are generally established in their jobs and have found a house that they plan on living in for a while. You might have kids who are in school and you’re possibly thinking of sending them off to college. You might also be looking ahead toward retirement and wondering how to provide best […]
Category: Personal Finance (Page 2 of 2)
In your 30s, it’s likely that you’ll begin considering buying a house or having children, so you need to plan financially for those big decisions. You’ll also be more established in your career and making significantly more money than you had in your 20s. Because of these life changes, there are certain financial goals you […]
When you’re in your 20s, it probably feels like you don’t have to worry much about future decisions, such as buying a house, debt, or how to pay for a new car. This feeling is likely particularly prominent if you’re in college and can only focus on the next deadline or test you have coming […]
With the holidays just around the corner, you’ll likely start to get more and more phone calls from charitable organizations asking for donations. You’re sure to find the Salvation Army stationed outside of stores ringing their bells hoping some kind passerby will drop their spare change into their red buckets. If you’re like most people, […]
As time goes on, you’re closer and closer to retiring. You’ve likely been counting down the years in anticipation of this time that you can finally relax and not worry about having to get up and go to work every day and spend hours at a job. Even if you love your job, working for […]
Many Americans have the plight of being in debt and don’t understand the basic concepts of saving for the future or handling money responsibly. The Council for Economic Education recently conducted a survey where they found that a mere 20 states have taking an economic class in high school as a requirement to graduate. These […]