Electric scooters and electric bicycles are seen as a public menace by some, and these same eco-friendly modes of transportation are seen as a way to combat traffic and lower one’s carbon footprint to boot by others. The city of New York has been pretty ambivalent until recently. On Wednesday, a bill is set to […]
Tag: technology

Have a big appetite? A buffet is the perfect place to satiate your hunger. While buffets have a bad reputation for serving old food that’s been sitting under a heat lamp for hours, these NYC spots are sure to change your mind. These restaurants all have their own all-you-can-eat offerings, and each is as delicious […]

For many who watch technology and the advancement of various platforms like the blockchain, machine learning, voice controlled software and so forth, it is tempting to believe computers will shortly have the capability to replace people and the work they do. After all, it seems there are so many things computers can do more accurately […]

For much of the history of NYC public transport, ancient methods of fare collection such as coins, tokens and paper tickets were utilized on the city’s buses and subways. On their website, the MTA lists 1953 as the year tokens became the standard on NYC subways, marking the system’s first moves towards streamlining fare collection […]

With the recent technological advancements, people are looking for safer and more efficient ways to travel. This is especially true in the busy five boroughs of New York City. The subway system is a popular topic, as many people would like to see the recent innovative technological advancements impact the subway system. While there are […]

Mankind has come a long way since the days of cavemen. As a species, we’ve had renaissances, enlightenments and industrial revolutions. Now, in the 21st century, we are going through a technological revolution. Massive amounts of data crunching and computing are being done in the palm of our hands, artificial intelligence is keeping us company […]