Kewho Min | Certified Public Accountant/ Finance | New York City

Kewho Min is a dedicated and experienced professional accountant based out of New York City

Tag: Central Park

New Upgrades in Central Park

A Brief History Central Park lies nearly right in the middle of Manhattan, New York. With millions of visitors on an annual basis, Central Park is one of the largest parks that New York has to offer. The park has an estimated 843 acres for people to enjoy between the hours of 6 a.m. and […]

Kewho Min Most Expensive Houses in New York City

Most Expensive Houses in New York City

As a New Yorker at heart, I will always love this city no matter where I travel. And even though the city’s energetic vibe and pure wonder will always captivate me, I understand that every city has its cons. New York City has been and always will be a beacon of hope for those looking […]

Kewho Min New York City: Then and Now Pt. 2

New York City: Then and Now Pt. 2

In my previous entry, I offered a look at how Times Square and the World Trade Center, two of New York City’s most revered landmarks, have changed over the years. And, as I’ve mentioned in the previous entry, New York is far too large and historic to fit all of its landmarks into a single […]

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